If you are interested in joining us for project leader training in Dublin, Ireland, I wanted to let you know that there is still time to sign up! So far, we have 8 people signed up and committed to go, but there's still room for a few more. Also, in a post that was written few weeks ago it was mentioned that the deposit of $150.00 is due October 15th. I wanted to update you and let you know that the amount is due by November 1st. (If you pay after November 1st, the cost will go up $150.00.)
Also, for those of you who are committed and wondering where to send your payment, send it to:
Adventures in Missions
Attn: Accounting
Ireland Trip: PL Training
6000 Wellspring Trail
Gainesville, GA 30506
On the memo line of the check, please include the trip code: 11IR1204A.
If you are interested in going or if you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]